Tests to find out a witch
Hello, everyone. My name is Ye-in, Jung and today I'm going to talk about tests to find out a witch.
First, I'll talk about swimming. Second, trial by ordeal. Third, eating jam and bread. Fourth, staying calm. Fifth, Screaming fits. Sixth, bleeding corpses. Seventh, pricking, and finally, I'll talk about turcas!
I'll talk about swimming. This swimming is not the kind of swimming you imagine. I'll explain the process. First, your right thumb and your left big toe are tied together, and your left thumb and your right big toe are tied together. This makes swimming tricky. Now, you're thrown into the water. If you float, people believed that Devil was helping you. You were taken out and executed. If you sink, your are dead innocent.
Now, I'll talk about trial by ordeal. An iron bar is put in a fire for one hour. Then, the victim grip the hot bar in her hand. Then, she walks nine steps with the bar in her hand. Her hand will be damaged, right? Her hand will be bandaged, and after 5 hours, the bandages are taken off. If you're healed, you're innocent. However, if you're not healed, you're found guilty and hanged.

I'll talk about staying calm. If you are arrested and thrown into prison if you're innocent, what will you do? You will cry and bang the door and scream. But if you're calm, you're found guilty and hanged. Isn't that silly?
Now I will talk about screaming fits. People believed that if a witch touches a person, the person will scream. In 1664, a common villager Rose Cullender screamed when the witch Amy Puny touched her. So the law officer covered Rose's face with an apron and touched her- and Rose Cullender screamed and ran away. So Amy Puny was innocent.

Now, I will explain about pricking. People believed that every witch had a spot where the Devil himself touched. And if you pricked the spot and it did not bleed, the victim was a witch! For example, Janet Peaston was just talking to herself and the law officer thought she was strange and pricked the spot on Janet's neck. It didn't bleed. She was hanged.
Finally, there is turcas. It is a instrument of torture, and it only ripped out a witch's fingernails.
This is the end of my presentation, and thank you for listening to my presentation,
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